
20th-21st century inventions

I think that in the 20th century there was alot of very important things invented, but there was one thing that seemed most important and that was antibiotics. I think this was the most important because this made terible sicknesses that were deadly easily curible. Without this I feel that alot of people would not be here without the cure for those deadly viruses.

science favorite

My absolute favorite thing about science this year was the space unit. I found it to be more like a history lesson which no offense, is my favorite subject of all time. But back to space. I found all the trials that the astronauts had through very intriguing. I also loved the movies during the days. While science is definitely not my strong suit, I loved this unit.

middle school

During the time that I have had in middle school. History has taught me a lot. It has become my absolute favorite subject. The most interesting thing that I learned about though was WW2. This has to be my favorite, and definitely not because of the death or anything like that but because of the nation that I live in, coming together and rolling through the punches. We made amazing innovations and inventions allowing us to rise to the top. I still wish you were my teacher in 9th grade. We do get a new teacher though who I have not even truly met. The things that we are learning about sound interesting and not from our culture. I am stressed about growing up though, it almost feels too fast and rushed. But here’s to summer break and another new year in school.


Cole Mehringer. April 20th. 8-2

In America, you get rights when you are 18. This may help identify people as adults. But in my opinion, this is a way to keep stupid kids away from doing stupid things because now you can do actual time in a real prison. Just because they put a label on their age. In Mexico and in Mexican culture it is a big tradition for a girl to have a  quinceanera at the age of 15. This signifies the idea of, “coming of age in a girl’s life,” as some people say. While a boy at 18 comes of age to become a man. Does this mean anything to me? No. Does it mean anything to you? Probably not. In a way, I’m saying that this doesn’t truly matter. There should be more significant ways that show you are truly an adult rather than some birth certificate and a book of rights. These don’t truly hold any meaning, except that it’s time for an adaptation in life. 

The way you act is not important in your young life. As you grow through your mind grows with you. But if you keep acting the same way throughout your life, then that is what you will automatically fall back on instead of being a truly mature person or adult. Through years of learning and adapting to people and challenges in your life. Some of these things can change you for the better…or for the worst. You can become independent and happy with others around you by understanding people and the world around you. While if you see life as a joke, people will see you as a joke and you might never mature enough to understand that. Life also gives you responsibility. Again it is an adaptation that you need to fit into your life even if it may cut something out of it. This is something that needs to be completed so don’t try and find a way around it. But say I can do this. So in conclusion people, can’t put an age or number for becoming an adult, but instead how mature you are and if you can truly sustain yourself.

science contriversys

I feel like different scientists can be very respectful and nonjudgmental towards each other like regular people. After all, they are people…Right? I feel like if this idea stands true they can do some different things to reach a better outcome either together or by talking it over. Option1) If they feel as though they do not like each other’s theories or ideas of a specific outcome or something as challenging as 2+2=? But now instead of pulling each other apart like string cheese, they can work on it together showing them their methods or preferred methods to reach an outcome. Option2) If they both feel like they insulted each other enough and they’re out for blood… Then further research can be found and debated either live and open or private and disclosed. Either way, they should have a known third party who is unbiased. SOLVED!

Pogresive blog

One thing I would want to be reformed would be womens’ rights. This would give them the right to be in the office which was corrupt at the time and unjust. It would also give them the right to vote. One way I could help out with this would be by joining the march to Washington. This is because women deserve the same treatment as any man because in retrospect we are all people.

Pit and the Pendulum ending

I did not truly like the ending of the story. Usually, I like it when there is a twist. BUT not if it is at the end and it doesn’t explain what happens afterward. It ends with the Spanish inquisition the bad guys getting taken over by the good guys. By the way, we have no idea how they even got there or how they got in. I mean it is explained in the first person and he was probably concerned about becoming a GRILLED CHEESE, but don’t look up at your impending doom! I also understand that poes whole thing is a suspenseful and nauseating experience. But once that happens like 3 to four times in 20-30 minutes. It gets rather boring. But yet again, that’s just my opinion.

I feel like the book might be better if while there was stuff in the background happening there was an escape from the presumed battle happening around them. Still suspenseful and goes to fill in your imagination. This may draw a better ending and still room for tales or characters that would not seem true. (and that most likely wouldn’t be) It could tell of an embankment to America after and something about the author/narrator of the story. The experience he had and the life he led on.

Now my turn to write a cool ending.

In an instant, the walls started to cave in. But from the thick metal-looking walls, I heard a noise. YES, a loud thunderous noise. I looked to see the diverse people that had trapped and tried to kill me look around in fear. The noise grew closer. The panic now set in my eyes. What could this be as I thought to look at the walls? A dent. It started small, but with every boom, it grew. Yet I had no clue what could be causing this and as I looked back to see my captors I soon realized they were not there. They had jumped in the pit. I thought, what could be worse than this as I turned back to see a light. Thankfully not God but the light of the sun. It blackened into the shape of a man as I trembled fearfully. But through the ghastly dark figure, it let out a sound. Then a hand. Not thinking twice I grabbed onto it and crept into the hole where the dent had popped after growing so large. I looked up hoping to see God but what looked back was even better. My general. Then in his other hand, he held a sword. I asked for him to say a word but the noise that came back was never more. The sun was the second thing I saw. Oh the glorious light that had beckoned upon me. Third, a war and a fight. I knew next what was going on. I pleaded to fight and reckoned I was ready for it but the general lead me away from what I saw. We were fleeing the scene but I dreaded it leaving those to die who came to rescue me. What came next was quite a scare. A monstrous Man with wagons, horses, and men scattered about the place. The general pulled me down behind a wagon. He was as scared as me for he was looking for fighters and me. I looked through the cracks of the wagon. I shivered in fear as I saw a corpse. The Man was holding a hammer of war and on it there was blood. It was from the men before. As we crept around to a different place, there was a twig. NO a bone that snapped like my fate. The Man turned around wearing intense armor then around again. Another glimpse but I turned to the corpse. Laying lifelessly on the ground. His stomach was out and blood was on his ribs. Blood was dripping from his limbs. The Man soon ran away and we took off going the other way. This day I cannot forget and It comes to me often of the torture not just I went through but also the torture of others.

Takata airbags

As a major company, this will break their bank and lower the reputation of their business. Especially since they knew about this in 2004 and let it go on until 2014. Many people have been or could have been hurt or even killed. This is truly disgraceful that a company as big as Takata would let this little charade go on for so long. Some people if they have known about the airbags should get criminal charges like a fraud. The company if a person can truly prove they had this airbag and got hurt or a family member could prove a person in the family got killed, then they should pay for hospital/medical fees and possibly more depending on the person’s pending situation. People that may have a Takata airbag from times of possible malfunction should get a full replacement free of charge from the company. The person would have to prove in both scenarios that they have this airbag. All airbags should of course be tested before even putting them into a car for a reduction of a possible malfunction as great (big) as this one.


One year I had gotten really amazing grades like all A’s or something like that. IT took a long time to get those grades, especially since the semester before I had c’s and d’s. So I have then offered duke tip. This was a summer program that was basically school but not school. I didn’t know at the time or I would not have gone but, we’ll I did. At this camp, we were tasked with a problem or outbreak of a virus almost completely similar to this one. (covid reference) So every day we woke up went to eat breakfast and learned how to make vaccines and such. (I did nothing like the true American I am) This was also overnight and was on a college campus so dorm rooms. Sadly none of the people that were in my dorm group were in my specific class. Anyway, at the end of the week, we had to make a big project for the whole camp to see. It was a very challenging presentation slash video. Luckily I never had to see it because right as our group had popped up on the huge screen I was called to leave and go home. (this was normal) I did nothing wrong but thank God I never had to present but I was completely ready to. Soooooo confidence!

Bania in India

In Bania India, there is a group called the Vania people. 29,331,000 people live and go by this people group. The Vania people do not believe in God and have clans. They mostly believe in Hinduism. These people live in two different religious divisions named Vaishnava and Jain. They use temples and have an organization called the Mandal that look after their temples. The Vania speak Gujarati and have an agriculture based upon buisness trade and jewlery making. Some culture the Vania people have is folk music and their wonderous art. They even do rituals for naming new borns. AS of right now these people have no evangelical and none beleive in God. We do have a complete bible in their language which took us 173 years to make. Sadly though it does not seem like it is availiable to their people. I picked this group because it was in india. I like india sooo. (a little biased) One way we could be praying for them is to have access to the bible and let them hear the word of the lord in some way. The biggest hurdle they have to face is their geographic landing spot. It makes it very hard for us to a speak to them and send bible their way.

Is Shakesphere too difficult?

I think that Shakespeare can be difficult for different people. For me, it would be like seeing A heavy lifting world champion vs a small infant. who would win? The alligator, because it doesn’t make sense. This semester for English is going to barrel roll me into the negatives because I don’t like it. Part of it though is how it is getting taught rather than reading it alone we read it in distracting groups and painfully share it in front of everyone. But this is only my opinion. For me, Shakespeare is indeed hard. (for the sake of my grade I made this as confusing as the book is to me)

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